the title for this entry may a little bit confusing . i supposed to write it as 'BERSIH 2.0' instead of 'CLEAN 2.0' . quite funny isn't ? actually i does not know any information about this organisation - their goals , their passions , or their future undertakings . as i am not reading newspaper recently , so i think i should call this organisation as a PEACE AND HARMONY ORGANISATION IN DEVELOPMENT or maybe a RIOT AND CHAOTIC ORGANISATION IN PROGRESS . so , please enlighten me whoever know what BERSIH 2.0 is about . they had made the beautiful saturday in 9th july 2011 became a fearful day to go out in town - especially for CFS IIUM students who want to go out . their illegal demonstration made chaos in town as a thousands of police get ready for anything impacts from the demonstration . see , if they apply a legal demonstration , maybe people out there have nothing to afraid of , except for afraid to the traffic jam . therefore i hope nothing worse happened and no such things of organisation distrupt the student's of CFS IIUM outings . till then . fullstop .
CLEAN 2.0 |
wrote by ,
muhammad shawqie
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